Temporary Fencing Size

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temporary fencing size

temporary fencing size

So much emphasis is placed on the specific materials of your temporary fence, and rightfully so. Whether you’re managing a construction project or overseeing an event, maintaining security is of the utmost importance.

But the temporary fencing size you choose plays a crucial role here as well! Your fence needs to be tall enough that it’s difficult to climb, and you have to make sure you’re sourcing the optimal coverage area to fully encompass your premises.

That’s why we’ve created this quick temporary fence size guide to leave you with a clear understanding of what you need. We’ll show you how to size your fence to perfection along with a few other essential things to consider along your search for the best temporary fence.

However, the best way to feel confident you’re getting the right size temporary fence is to reach out to the experts here at Viking Rental, the #1 choice in Texas. We can discuss the specifics of your project and work together to come up with the best solution. Find out firsthand why we’ve been the #1 choice in Texas for 50 years running!

Why Temporary Fence Sizing is So Important

Proper temporary fencing sizing ensures that the fencing meets its intended purpose, whether it’s for security, compliance with regulations, or maintaining a certain aesthetic.

Maintaining Security

So, what is a temporary fence most commonly used for? All the various use cases share the same goal of protecting your premises – be it a job site, event, or your own property.

The height and length of your fence are crucial for creating an effective barrier that deters unauthorized access and protects valuable assets. This will offer peace of mind knowing your location is safe from breaches, especially when you upgrade to a fence with barbed wire!

Regulatory Compliance

Your temporary fencing may need to comply with local regulations and industry standards as well, which might dictate specific size requirements. Non-compliance can lead to fines, project delays, or even the need to replace the fencing, all of which can be costly and frustrating.

Speaking of compliance, we suggest you look into whether or not temporary fence permits are necessary for your specific use. We have a guide that can help you find out.

Aesthetic and Practical Considerations

Security and compliance always trump appearance, but you still want your fence to look good, even if it’s only a temporary fixture on your property.

Choosing the right size and type of fencing can help minimize its visual impact, making it less obtrusive while still serving its purpose. For example, a shorter fence might be more appropriate for a community event, where a towering barrier could feel unwelcoming.

From a practical perspective, you want to make sure you’re selecting appropriately sized panels that are easier to handle. This will streamline the process and reduce labor costs.

What Temporary Fence Size Do I Need?

It’s clear temporary fencing size cannot be overlooked – so what temporary fence size do I need? It all depends on your site’s unique requirements. Here’s how you can choose the optimal temporary fencing size.

Assessing the Site’s Requirements

Different sites have different security, safety, and aesthetic requirements, all of which should be considered when selecting the size of your fencing.

If your primary concern is security – such as on a construction site or a restricted-access event – you will need a fence that is tall enough to deter unauthorized entry.

Taller fences, typically ranging from 6 to 8 feet, are often necessary for these situations. You could also consider the use of anti-climb features if security is a top priority, like barbed wire.

On the other hand, maybe your fence is just a means of controlling the flow of a crowd. If so, a shorter fence – like 4 to 6 feet tall – will likely suffice.

The physical characteristics of your site, such as terrain and accessibility, influence the appropriate temporary fence size. Sites on uneven ground may need a fence that is higher or uses additional supports to ensure stability. Similarly, access to the site may influence the length and height of fencing panels needed for effective coverage.

Calculating the Necessary Coverage

At this point, you can begin calculating the total coverage area you need for your temporary fence. Use a measuring wheel, drone, or site documentation to determine the entire length and width of the perimeter area.

Make sure you account for any irregularities in the site’s shape, such as curves or corners, which may require additional fencing. While you’re doing this, think carefully about which points for your site will make the most sense for gates. It’s important to prioritize efficient access into and out of the premises.

We usually suggest including a small overlap at the ends of the fence sections to ensure there are no gaps. This is particularly important in high-security areas where even a small gap could be exploited.

Similarly, you might want to order slightly more fencing than you anticipate needing just for the sake of flexibility. This way, you can quickly address any issues without delaying your project.

Standard Fencing Height

We talked a bit about fencing heights earlier, but given the role this plays in the security of your fence, we want to help you weigh your options more precisely:

  • 4 Feet: Commonly used for crowd control and delineating boundaries at public events. It provides a visible barrier without obstructing views and is ideal for managing pedestrian traffic or sectioning off areas within a larger event space.
  • 6 Feet: A versatile option that offers both security and privacy for construction sites, outdoor events, and general site protection. It’s tall enough to deter most intruders and provides a reasonable level of security for the majority of applications.
  • 8 Feet: This is often the best choice for high-security needs, such as securing valuable equipment on a construction site. It’s difficult to climb and offers a strong visual and physical deterrent against unauthorized access.

Of course, there are custom fence heights as well if one of these options doesn’t fit your needs for whatever reason. You’ll just need to find a reliable rental provider who has it in stock!

Other Important Factors Beyond Temporary Fencing Size

We know you came here specifically to learn about temporary fence size, but this is just one piece of the puzzle when trying to protect your premises. Let’s quickly touch on a few other essential considerations to make sure you’re getting the optimal fencing setup.

Material Durability and Strength

You have many options for what to use as a temporary fence – it will come down to your security needs and the local weather along with a few other factors.

Think about whether or not the fencing needs to be able to withstand harsh weather conditions such as high winds, heavy rain, or extreme temperatures. If so, galvanized steel or high-grade aluminum offer excellent durability and corrosion resistance.

You might want a fence that can withstand occasional impacts – from vehicles, equipment, or even large, unruly crowds. Chain link fencing is a popular choice for its ability to absorb impacts without breaking, while solid panel fencing provides a robust barrier that resists force and tampering.

Accessibility and Gates

Strategic gate placement will help maintain the flow of traffic while ensuring security. Gates should be located where they provide the most convenience without compromising the integrity of the fenced area.

For example, on a construction site, gates should be near key access roads for trucks and machinery, while at an event, they should align with pedestrian flow patterns.

Swing gates are common for general access while sliding gates might be preferred in areas where space is limited. For sites requiring frequent access by large vehicles, consider wider, reinforced gates that can accommodate heavy loads.

The good news is you don’t have to stress about how to build a temporary fence gate. This is something your rental partner should be able to help you with.

Additional Security Features

You may not need to go above and beyond from a security perspective for casual events or certain job sites. In other more high-stakes scenarios, though, you can add barbed wire or razor wire to the top of the fence to deter climbing and unauthorized entry. We have tips on how to install a barbed wire fence in our blog.

There are also unique anti-climb panels that use tightly spaced wires or mesh to prevent footholds, making it difficult for intruders to scale the fence.

For the most peace of mind, though, consider installing lighting or surveillance cameras along the fence line to deter would-be intruders while helping you take action in the event of vandalism or theft.

Cost Considerations

Whether you’re curious about the temporary chain link fence rental prices or want to know what it will cost to add barbed wire to your fence, just know that you ultimately get what you pay for – and when it comes to temporary fencing, you’re investing in peace of mind.

So, don’t cut corners and go with the cheapest option. Chances are, you’ll regret it. Speaking of cost, be sure to account for installation and removal costs along with any costs of maintaining your fence over the course of your rental period.

Reviewing Rental Partners

Once you feel confident in what exactly you need, it’s just a matter of finding a rental company that can provide it. Chances are, there are a few different options nearby – so take your time to vet each one and determine which offers the best value for the money.

A good rental partner goes above and beyond installing the right fence for you. They provide exceptional service every step of the way, from your initial inquiry to helping you choose the right style to addressing concerns throughout the rental process.

While there’s a lot to consider and we know it can be overwhelming, those in Texas are fortunate enough to have access to the best temporary fence provider – Viking Rental.

Let Viking Rental Help You Pick the Perfect Temporary Fencing for Any Use Case!

Sizing your temporary fence can be stressful – but it doesn’t have to be. Leave it to the experts here at Viking Rental to help you pick the perfect temporary fencing size!

We have half a century of experience in this field and have helped countless customers size their fences to perfection, be it a small-scale event or a multi-block construction site. There are no circumstances we haven’t encountered – so you can rest assured you’re partnering with a seasoned professional.

Beyond sizing, we have all the different types of temporary fencing you could possibly need for your event – including:

Again, you don’t have to play the guessing game. Let’s talk about the nuances of your project and work together to come up with the perfect fencing solution accordingly.

We’ll handle everything from initial setup to teardown, providing any necessary maintenance tasks along the way to keep your fence looking its best and serving its purpose. Our commitment to customer service is a big reason we’ve earned the trust of so many customers over the years.

Plus, you’ll enjoy competitive temporary fence rental cost across our entire catalog. What more could you ask for?

With a basic understanding of what temporary fence size is right for you and where to rent temporary fencing nearby, there’s just one thing left to do – get in touch today and take the next step!

Bringing Our Temporary Fencing Size Guide to a Close

That concludes our temporary fence size guide! The process of sizing your fence is not something to take lightly as it influences security, practicality, and cost. We hope you feel confident in your next steps at this point.

Find additional insights on temporary fence installation, DIY temporary fence ideas, how far apart temporary fence posts, temporary fence repair, and more.

Or, save yourself the hassle and headache of renting temporary fencing by simply reaching out to the experts here at Viking Rental. We can help you navigate all the nuances of this project and eliminate all the guesswork.

So, take the next step in securing your space – reach out to Viking Rental for the best temporary fence rental experience in all of Texas!